Is Write it Right just for the exact sciences?
No. The workshop develops skills that are necessary to successfully publish research in any field.
Is Write it Right a good workshop?
According to the people who attend, it's great. Our average feedback score from over 3200 participants in the past 20 years is >8,5.
What does Write it Right cover?
Writing good technical English, structuring your paper, and making an impact. For more information see the workshop description.
What is the format of Write it Right workshops?
Workshops usually take place over two full consecutive days. The format mixes lectures and exercises. Other bespoke formats are possible in discussion with organizers. For formats of one full day or longer, participants typically submit prior to the workshop a two-page draft paper on their research. We give personal feedback on each draft.
What should my manuscript look like?
Simply a two-page pdf file describing a piece of your research and using either the word template or latex macros provided.
Is it possible to write about by research in two page?
Definitely. We have reviewed plenty of two-page papers on many subjects that clearly describe the authors aim, results, and conclusions. Give it a try.
What does two pages mean?
It means maximum two pages total, not two pages with the graphics added as a third.
Can I participate without submitting a manuscript?
In general, no. You need the draft manuscript to get the full benefit from the workshop. It is an exercise in itself and you will use the manuscript as the basis for several exercises during the workshop. Most organizers therefore insist on submission of the manuscript as a condition of participation.
What should my manuscript contain?
The draft should explain your research as clearly as possible in two pages. We suggest that you include an introduction paragraph, some results, a graphic, a discussion, and a short conclusions paragraph. The draft must not be a complete paper or a stripped down version of an existing paper.
My manuscript is longer than two pages, what should I do?
Shorten it until it is not longer than two pages.
Why do I have to submit my manuscript in PDF format?
The pdf format is the most portable file format and the most likely to print correctly. You can save files in pdf format from Microsoft Word. You can convert the LaTex dvi file to pdf using the dvi2pdf utility.
Why must I use the Word template or LaTex style files?
There are several reasons. Firstly, it standardises the format between different participants. Secondly, we need a format that allows us to anotate our comments on the manuscript. Thirdly, journals require you to submit articles in a set format so our requirement allows you to practice this.
My manscuript isn't ready yet. Can I submit it later?
We review submissions before the workshop begins. The deadline gives us only a few days for reviewing all the drafts. Most organizers therefore insist on submission of the manuscript by the deadline as a condition of participation.
Are my details and manuscript secure?
Completely. We do not pass any information to anyone. Ever. Your manuscript is read by us and the hard copies returned to you personally. Any remaining copies are destroyed after the workshop.
Do I get a certificate for completing the workshop?
Yes. Each participant that completes the workshop receives an electronic certificate (PDF file). Based on the quality and workload of the course, several Institutions have awarded two European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) points for successful completion of the course.
What if I have a complaint about the course?
If you have a complaint, please tell us during the workshop and we will try and address it on the spot. If you do not feel able to do this, or if you feel your complaint was not addressed adequately, or if you wish to register a complaint after the workshop, we have a formal complaints procedure. See our General Terms and Conditions.
If you have any further questions, simply email us.